UCI Health Image Usage for Giclee Prints - New Hospital

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Summary of Art Opportunities:

  • Image Licensing for Artwork for a variety of media up to 30" x 40" image size

Description of the Project
                UCI Health is writing the next chapter of healthcare in Orange County.UCI Health — Irvine, a $1.3 billion medical complex under construction in Irvine, will be home to a 144-bed acute care hospital and emergency department. It will also feature the Joe C. Wen & Family Center for Advanced Care and the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and Ambulatory Care building. These buildings will open in the spring and summer of 2024, with the hospital to follow in late 2025. The 27.5-acre campus will be the nation’s first all-electric medical center and it is designed to promote health and healing in a natural landscape. Aesthetics, Inc. (art consultant) is compiling a catalogue of eligible artists living or working in counties of Southern California (Orange, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Ventura, Imperial, Kern, San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego).

Art Criteria
                Aesthetics, Inc. is looking for original artwork to be licensed to be able to be printed on various substate (i.e., canvas or metal) for corridors, conference rooms, administrative and staff areas, waiting and consultation rooms, patient rooms and a variety of other public and non-clinical areas. High-resolution images (300 dpi in the image size requested) of original oil, watercolor and acrylic paintings, mixed media art and photography will be considered.
                Please consider that we are inspiring patients, visitors and staff of all ages, genders and ethnicities. Inventive, uplifting, yet calming works are encouraged. Subject matter that reflects Southern California, Orange County community is encouraged.

Diversity Statement
                As part of our commitment to advance diversity and inclusion in the field of arts in health, we aim to amplify traditionally underrepresented voices. Applicants are encouraged to share if they identify with one or more historically marginalized groups (examples include but are not limited to Immigrant, Indigenous, International, LGBTQIA, Person of Color, Person with a Disability, Person of Size, Socioeconomic Disadvantage). Aesthetics, Inc. encourages applicants who come from one or more of these historically marginalized populations. If you feel comfortable, please share how you represent diversity in one or more of these areas.

Artist Portfolios
                Please submit jpegs/photographs of your existing artwork/photography (low-resolution requested at this time) that, if selected, can be printed at a 300-dpi high-resolution.

Strategic Goals

  • To develop an arts program based on the latest evidence-based research and methodologies that support the healing process
  • To craft an arts program that draws upon and reflects the artistic talent of Southern California
  • To engage with community partners, where appropriate
  • To create an arts program that celebrates the beauty of the ecosystems, bio-diversity and excellence of Orange County
  • To create an arts program that is innovative, caring, compassionate and unique
  • To create an arts program that reflects the diversity of the communities which UCI Health serves
  • To install and manage all artwork in a manner that preserves the artwork

Art Themes 

In the new hospital, the Art Committee plans to display artworks that reflect the healing power of social connections. We are looking for existing artwork and artists able to do commissions illustrating the different ways people come together and create meaningful connections through:

  • Portrayal of community celebrations 
  • Work and family environments and gatherings that are supportive
  • Participating and viewing sporting activities, people of all ages and abilities
  • Enjoying nature, hiking, sailing and camping
  • Human-animal connection with pets, horses and other animals

Art Opportunity
            Image Usage for Artwork Printed on various media – $150 per each image usage

Project Schedule

This is a multiphase project. Most of the images will be licensed for public spaces in 2024 as part of new construction.

                For all questions concerning this Call for Artists, please contact Pam Nickell at Aesthetics, Inc. at nickell@aesthetics.net.

                Aesthetics, Inc. is not obligated to notify artists when incomplete entries are received. Incomplete entries will not be reviewed. Any individual or professional artist, who was born, resides or works in California, is eligible to apply. Artists working in all mediums may apply. 

By submitting to this Call for Artists, you (Artist) agree to the following Terms and Conditions:
                Responsibility for Submittals: Although we will make every effort to protect the materials you submit, Aesthetics, Inc. is not responsible for the loss or damage of any submittal materials submitted.
                CFA Revision: Aesthetics, Inc. reserves the right to revise this CFA, including, but not limited to, the submittal due date, the number of artists accepted, the timeline, the art budget, and the selection criteria at any time within its sole discretion.
                Responsibility for Submittal Costs: Aesthetics, Inc. is not liable for any cost incurred by any person responding to this CFA. The applicant is fully responsible for all submittal costs. Aesthetics, Inc. does not assume any contractual or financial obligation as a result of the issuance of this CFA, the preparation and submittal of a submittal by a respondent, the evaluation of an accepted submittal, or the selection of finalists.
                Submittal Acceptance/Rejection: Aesthetics, Inc., at its sole discretion, reserves the right to reject any or all submittals received and to accept or reject any or all of the items in the submittal. Aesthetics, Inc. reserves the right to negotiate with any respondent after submittals are opened, if such action is deemed to be in best interest. Aesthetics, Inc. acceptance and review of a submittal and/or submitted artwork concept, or artwork design does not constitute a commitment to award a commission to any artist or team.
                Decline to Award: Aesthetics, Inc., at its sole discretion, reserves the right to not award the commission to any artist (or artist team) due to inappropriateness of art.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.